Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

To Import Equipment UDAs from an Equipment List

The procedure below details how to import pre-defined Equipment User Defined Attributes (UDAs) for equipment from an Excel spreadsheet.
  1. Open an Equipment drawing.
  2. In the Equipment and Cable tab, click the Equipment Import option.
  3. In the XLS Import dialog click in the XLS file field and click the Browse button to navigate to the location of the .xls file which contains the UDA definitions.
  4. Select the file and click Open.
  5. Click in the XLM file field and click the Browse button to navigate to the location of the xml file for the UDA definitions.
  6. Select the file and click Open.
  7. In the XLS-Import dialog click OK to import. The Review Differences dialog displays.
  8. In the Review Differences dialog Select and Accept the changes to the drawing and click Update to import the equipment.
  9. Click on an equipment component and select the Equipment Properties option to view the UDA values.
    Note: Notice the UDA values match what was defined in the Excel file displayed at the top of this procedure.